September 30, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm
Join us for a Live-Virtual offering of our brand new 7-Hour CE class, Critique – Anatomy of a Review, with Instructor Hal Humphreys.
This 7-hour class will take place over two days (3.5 hours each day) via Zoom Meeting:
Session 1: September 29th, 10am – 1:30pm CDT (CENTRAL TIME)
Session 2: September 30th, 10am – 1:30pm CDT (CENTRAL TIME)
This course is for active, boots on the ground real estate appraisers. It can help bring you into competency to start marketing and accepting review assignments. It will also help you understand, more fully, the process of appraisal review when dealing with reviewers who critique your work.
In this seven-hour course, we go into detail about what constitutes a review, who does review assignments, how to analyze a URAR form report for compliance and credibility, and how to do all of this whilst not being mean. This course will help appraisers better understand how to conduct review assignments and how to respond to their work being reviewed.
We believe that, as professionals, we should give deference when possible to the work of other professionals. To critique another’s work should not be a “gotcha/busted you” affair. The primary reason we engage in review assignments is to maintain public trust and offer a check in the process to ensure quality work. A review assignment is a chance to provide constructive feedback, not pick nits. Of course, when an appraiser has done sub-par work, that should be called out. But – by and large – most appraisers are out there trying to do professional work and maintain the integrity of our profession.
September 30, 2021
11:00 am