FLEXMLS-Advanced CMA 1HR TN CE Virtual
June 24, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Advanced CMA
A detailed look at the Full CMA and creating custom listing exports.
- Search for Comps
- Select Comps
- A detailed look at each tab in the Full CMA module
- Create CMA templates/set a default CMA template
- Add manual adjustments
- Create an automatic adjustment list and run automatic adjustments
- Adjust the suggested list price
- Save and edit CMAs
- Create a Custom Export and export listing data to use in your own programs
You must register to attend this class. Registration closes 1 hour before class starts. By registering for this class you have agreed to the following, you must professionally conduct yourself and follow all of TREC’s class rules for virtual learning. If you cannot follow these rules, you will be asked to leave the class or reschedule and NOT receive CE hours for the class. You can find the rules online at https://netar.us/virtual-class-tips/#TRECRULES.
**This class is Flexmls training. This class DOES NOT satisfy the new member orientation requirement for the TNVA MLS!***
Class Cost:
NETAR Member – No Charge
Non Member – $10.00
Class# 120702
Instructor: Josh Hernandez or Amy Long
June 24, 2022
9:00 am
Zoom Online
Utilize Zoom Link
Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS®