FLEXMLS Advanced Searching in Flex 1HR TN CE-Virtual
May 27, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Any job is easy if you use the right tools. This class will look at various searching options in Flexmls and common scenarios that are suited for different search options like the Address Search, Quick Search, and Quick Launch.
- When to use the Address Search instead of the Quick Search.
- Options for drawing a radius from a specific listing or address.
- Create custom search templates, arrange the fields that you use in the order that you want! Share your templates with other members.
- Create custom list views and sorts. See the columns of information that you need to make your job easier. Use custom sorts so search results are in the order that you need. Share custom views and sorts with other members.
- Take advantage of the Quick Launch search bar at the top of the page.
You must register to attend this class. Registration closes 1 hour before class starts. By registering for this class you have agreed to the following, you must professionally conduct yourself and follow all of TREC’s class rules for virtual learning. If you cannot follow these rules, you will be asked to leave the class or reschedule and NOT receive CE hours for the class. You can find the rules online at https://netar.us/virtual-class-tips/#TRECRULES.
**This class is Flexmls training. This class DOES NOT satisfy the new member orientation requirement for the TNVA MLS!***
Class Cost:
NETAR Member – No Charge
Non Member – $10.00
Class# 120702
Instructor: Josh Hernandez or Amy Long
May 27, 2022
9:00 am
Zoom Online
Utilize Zoom Link
Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS®