From Sticks to Bricks 3HR TN CE-Virtual
June 1, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
This 3 hour CE course will help you gain the product and transaction knowledge in order to guide buyer-clients through the steps for the purchase, construction, and customization of a new home.
Learn how to interact with new-home builders and their representatives to protect clients’ interests while developing productive business relationships.
By registering for this class you have agreed to the following, you must professionally conduct yourself and follow all of TREC’s class rules for virtual learning. If you cannot follow these rules, you will be asked to leave the class or reschedule and NOT receive CE hours for the class. You can find the rules online at https://netar.us/virtual-class-tips/#TRECRULES.
Class Cost
- NETAR Member – No Cost
- Non-Member – $25.00
Class#120310 Class Sponsor#1704
Instructor-Eric Kistner
Taught by Eric Kistner. As a licensed broker, and contractor, he has a unique perspective of the real estate market.
Eric is a Leigh Brown Certified Real Estate Coach, a John Maxwell Certified Public Speaking Coach, and a Certified Distance Education Instructor.
He was the 2017 President of the Northeast Tennessee Real Estate Association of REALTORS®, a graduate of the 2018 NAR Leadership Academy, and the 2018 NETAR REALTOR® OF THE YEAR
June 1, 2022
9:00 am
Zoom Online
Utilize Zoom Link
Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS®