GSMAR-(SRS)The Seller Representative Specialist Class-Day 2
October 19, 2022
The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation.
What You Gain
The SRS Course will redefine your “normal” and reinvent the way you represent sellers. It provides a comprehensive foundation of skill development, training and resources to help real estate professionals represent the interests of sellers in today’s marketplace.
- Increase listings and grow their business
- Demonst
rate and communicate their value package to seller clients - Understa
nd and apply the Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice - Underst
and and comply with state license laws when representing sellers - Understa
nd and apply methods, tools, and techniques to provide support and services that sellers want and need
Additional Member Benefits Include:
- Members
hip in an elite group of trained seller client advocates - Access to a wealth of member-only education, resources and services.
- “Find An SRS” Online Directory for the public to access and for direct member to member referral opportunities
- Su
bscription to the bi-monthly digital Real Estate Business Magazine(link is external) - SRS social media community – Facebook(link is external), Link
edIn(link is external) and T witter(link is external) - Exclus
ive, member-only webinars and videos.
How to Earn It
- Comp
lete the SRS course, either online(l ink is external) or in a classroom(lin k is external) setti ng. - Complete one of the SRS elective courses(link is external).
- T
here is no exam requirement for the SRS Course.
Professi onal Affiliation
- Memb
er in good standing with the National Association of REALTORS® - Except
ion: International members of SRS do not have to be members of NAR.
- Except
- Member in good standing with SRS
Work Experience
- Docum
entation of three completed transactions in which you acted solely as a seller representative.
- Subm
it the designation application along with documentation of three completed transactions.
Co st
- Annual dues
- Waived for the first year
- $99 each subsequent year
October 19, 2022
12:00 am