Let’s Talk-Facebook Livestream-Todd Sholar
August 28, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
August’s Let’s Talk special guest is Todd Sholar. Todd Sholar is an attorney with Tennessee REALTOR® and has expertise in real estate contract and brokerage law and will provide insights that you won’t want to miss! He will review the recent form updates made by Tennessee REALTOR®. Email any questions to submit@netar.us before Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
Todd’s primary area of practice is real estate law, contract law and real estate brokerage law. Todd has been serving as a trusted attorney and advisor for the Realtor community for the last 25 years. Prior to practicing with Smith.Sholar.Milliken he was with the Nashville law firm Farrar and Bates (now Farrar, Bates and Berexa), where in addition to defending Realtors in the courtroom he advised real estate brokers across the state on the Tennessee Association of Realtors legal hotline. He and his firm have served as legal counsel for many boards of Realtors in Middle and East Tennessee, including the Sumner Association of Realtors. Practicing real estate law and advising real estate brokers is just part of Todd’s passion. Todd excels at educating and sharing his knowledge with boards of Realtors and real estate agents across the state in a classroom setting. Todd prides himself on not taking himself too seriously in the classroom, but at the same time delivering high quality content and example based teaching regarding a variety of topics that are essential for brokers and Realtors to understand – risk reduction techniques, effective contract writing for licensees, understanding agency law, avoiding ethical pitfalls, etc. In 2012 Todd was recognized by Tennessee Realtor as the state’s “Educator of the Year”.
August 28, 2024
10:00 am
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Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS®