Negotiation: Getting to Agreement-1 HR TN CE
October 19, 2021 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Licensees will learn strategies and techniques to better serve their clients and customers while in the process of negotiating the terms of a purchase and sale agreement, contract contingency, repair proposals and other agreements between buyers and sellers. Students will learn the value of a collaborative approach to problem solving for a win-win solution.
You must register to attend this class. Registration closes 1 hour before class starts
By registering for this class you have agreed to comply with the TREC RULES for earning CE hours via electronic streaming services. https://netar.us/virtual-class-tips/#TRECRULES
Class Cost:
NETAR Member – Free
Non Members– $10
Instructor: Greg Glosson
Greg Glosson, Managing Broker of Fast Track Realty in Memphis, is a 2020 Division 1 (Western TN) Vice President for Tennessee REALTORS®. Greg holds numerous designations and certifications, including CRB, CRS, GRI and Master GRI, AHWD, SFR, e-PRO, MRP, PSA, RENE, and RSPS.As a real estate educator and proponent of professional development, Greg is a Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC)-approved course instructor, as well as the author of several TREC-approved continuing-education courses on real estate topics. He works closely with Tennessee REALTORS®, the Memphis Area Association of REALTORS® and other TREC-approved real estate providers in developing new courses for real estate professionals.
October 19, 2021
11:30 am
Zoom Online
Utilize Zoom Link
Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS®