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RPR Webinar-Transform Local Data Into Social Media Success with RPR ScriptWriter-Not For CE Credit

May 14, 2025 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Data can be overwhelming, but tracking pricing trends is an essential part of your work as a real estate professional.

But how can you make the data more understandable? How can you help clients and customers digest the complexities of so much data? And how can you use this information as part of a social media strategy?

RPR’s Market Trends ScriptWriter tool is here to help!

In this class, we’ll show how you can:

  • Automatically generate market trend summaries
  • Quickly provide context and correlation to statistics, such as Month’s Supply of Inventory and 12-month change, List-to-Sold Price Ratio, Median Days on the Market within RPR and Median Sold Price
  • Choose tailored messaging for your clients and customers
  • Add scripts to reports using the Custom Pages feature
  • Easily create content for a social media post, video or email

We’ll review how to create a campaign that puts you at the center of the information and solidifies you as the “local market expert.”

It’s Your NAR Member Benefit

Remember, RPR is a member benefit offered by the National Association of REALTORS®. You’ve already paid for it—you should be using it!


May 14, 2025


2:00 pm










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