Week of Events
Basic Transaction Desk 3HR TN CE-Virtual
Basic Transaction Desk 3HR TN CE-Virtual
With Transaction Desk “in the cloud,” you can access and manage all your real estate forms, contracts, documents and contracts from any computer with online access. You will always have your “virtual” real estate office with you. You must register to attend this class. Registration closes 1 hour before each class starts. By registering for…
New Member Classes-Mind Your Manners Class 1HR CE & New Agent Forms Class-1HR CE-Virtual
New Member Classes-Mind Your Manners Class 1HR CE & New Agent Forms Class-1HR CE-Virtual
New Members, Welcome to NETAR! We are excited to have you as a member. These classes are meant to give you a practical jump start to your new career in real estate! All new members are required to take these classes from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. within in 90 days of joining NETAR. You must go…
BTVAR Class-Terry Watson
BTVAR Class-Terry Watson
One of the most popular presenters in the Real Estate Industry, Terry Watson, is joining us in Bristol again. This time with CE!!!! 3 hours TN CE Pending Elective Credits 2 hours VA CE Real Estate Related or 2 hours PL Current Issues/Trends Cost $50
Foundation Title -Show It & Sell It Market-Class Not For CE
TNVA MLS- Residential Courthouse Retrieval System- 3HR TN CE
TNVA MLS- Residential Courthouse Retrieval System- 3HR TN CE
Basic Residential Courthouse Retrieval Class-3HR TN CE Summary of learning objectives and course outline How to search tax records Understand how county assessor recorded properties Property report – Understanding sales history, mortgage, taxes and property characteristics Benefits of using GIS maps and layers Competitive Market Analysis (CMA) – How to use tax records to conduct…