7 events found.
Week of Events
Tri-Cities Mortgage Bankers Association Meeting
Tri-Cities Mortgage Bankers Association Meeting
Tri-Cities MBA meetings are held the third Tuesday each month 11:30 a.m.-1:30p.m. The Tri-Cities chapter of the Tennessee Mortgage Bankers Association (TCMBA) is dedicated to promoting professionalism within the industry through valuable networking and educational opportunities as well as supporting and promoting our members, local nonprofits and charitable organizations in the housing industry. We hold…
The NCREA-Presenting to Investors Part 2-Not for CE
The NCREA-Presenting to Investors Part 2-Not for CE
*Please check your spam folders after registering if you did not receive and an email with links and course material. Have you ever preformed a listing presentation using a video or web conferencing platform like Zoom? The NCREA is sharing their listing presentation and going over the finer points of taking listing virtually in this…