Learn how to help your buyers overcome a major barrier by giving them an option to use down payment assistance. Become a hero to first-time homebuyers by saying yes when others have told them no. Learn the ins and outs of THDA’s Great Choice program and make more deals work because you understand the rules…
Fair Housing is not an option! Unlock success with our Fair Housing Compliance course for realtors Master essential guidelines to ensure fair practices and serve all clients ethically! NAR now requires every member to take a 2HR Fair Housing class once every three years. The current cycle is 1/1/2025-12-31-2027. This class will satisfy this…
New Members, Welcome to NETAR! We are excited to have you as a member. These classes are meant to give you a practical jump start to your new career in real estate! All new members are required to take these classes within in 90 days of joining NETAR. You must go online and take your…
Join us for our Spring Membership meeting for a great breakfast at General Morgan Inn. We will be giving out the 2024 awards. Cancellation and No Show policy in effect. See your ticket for details.