NETAR Leadership Academy

Online Application
If you have questions email
Overview -
The NETAR Leadership Academy Mission is to develop and engage members of NETAR to serve in a volunteer capacity as Board Directors, Committee Chairs, Committee Members, and Officers within our organization.
- Member in good standing of Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS
- Desire to learn, grow, and take action
- To qualify for graduation, C2EX and Fairhaven must be completed before the August 3 class
- Bring a laptop to each class. We will be paperless.
- Attend at least one RPAC event.
- Attend at least one NETAR Membership Meeting.
- Attend an MLS Board Meeting.
- Attend two NETAR Board Meetings.
- Attend two NETAR Committee Meetings.
- Attend all sessions. Absence will result in the participant not graduating. Arrive on time.