(If you have any questions, please text us at 423.477.0040)
- Must be a REALTOR® member in good standing.
- Preference given to members who have served on or chaired a committee, task force/work group.
- Preference given to members who have completed a leadership training program.
- Preference given to members who have attended state or national meetings.
- Preference given to members who have served on community, professional or other non-profit organizations.
- Support of association activities, education and events and act as an advocate for the Association is required.
- Strongly encouraged to be an investor in RPAC.
- Must be actively engaged in the real estate business, association and must hold an active real estate license from the state of Tennessee.
- Must be a REALTOR® member in good standing.
- Preference given to members who have served on or chaired a committee, task force/work group.
- Preference given to members who have completed a leadership training program.
- Preference given to members who have attended state or national meetings.
- Preference given to members who have served on community, professional or other non-profit organizations.
- Support of association activities, education and events and act as an advocate for the Association is required.
- Strongly encouraged to be an investor in RPAC.
- Must be actively engaged in the real estate business, association and must hold an active real estate license from the state of Tennessee.
The Bylaws of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS® define the Board of Directors as the governing body of the Association. It is the Association's most important committee.
Members of the Board of Directors shall always have the best interest of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS® in mind. They shall avoid any contacts that may serve their personal interests and should never assume any position that brings their personal interests into conflict or competition with the interests of the Association.
The Board of Directors serves three critical functions for NETAR:
- Setting policies and strategic direction
- Allocating resources effectively and efficiently
- Evaluating the progress being made to ensure that the policies are adhered to and that the desired outcomes are being achieved.
The Board of Directors further endeavors to:
- Communicate with members, with the constant aims of fiduciary responsibility, effective understanding of members’ business requirements, and the enhancement of the benefits derived from membership
- Define, communicate, monitor, and refine NETAR’s values, policies and strategies
- Define, as goals, the essential deliverable products and services
- Delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the responsibility and resources to achieve the stated ends, within the limitations of what the Board of Directors defines as unacceptable practices
- Operate within the limits defined by relevant statutes and NETAR’s Bylaws
- Demonstrate leadership by embracing the spirit of volunteerism
- Promote the real estate industry and REALTOR® organization
The Board of Directors is composed of the following 13 members:
- 4 Officers: The President (succeeds automatically to office), President-elect, and a Secretary/Treasurer (elected by the Membership and serve 1-year terms)
- 1 Immediate Past President (succeeds automatically to office and serves a 1-year term)
- 9 At-Large Directors (elected by the membership and serve staggered 3-year terms)
Note: Chief Executive Officer serves as the Secretary and is ex-officio, non-voting, member of the Board of Directors.
- The election, composition and authority of the Board of Directors shall be as specified in the Bylaws.
- Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be at designated times and places, as specified and set by the Directors
- Two total absences shall be deemed as resignation by the absent director.
- Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be chaired by the President and conducted in accordance with the Bylaws the standing rules of the Board of Directors. The President-elect shall serve as Chair during the absence or incapacity of the President.
- Agendas are prepared by the Chief Executive Officer with input from the President. Agenda items should be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, one week prior to the directors’ meeting.
- Only the officers and directors of the Board of Directors may vote on issues at their meetings. Visitors may participate in discussion on issues only when recognized by the President.
- Only Board members and the Chief Executive Officer may attend Executive sessions, unless the President or a majority of the Board present and voting grants an exception.
- Minutes shall be required for all meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Policies may be adopted, revised, deleted or suspended during any meeting of the Board of Directors. Bylaws changes not mandated by NAR are subject to approval by the membership at the annual business meeting. Adopted policies shall not conflict the Bylaws and shall be included in the Policy Manual.
- The directors shall be familiar with the NETAR Bylaws, Policy Manual and Strategic Plan.
- The directors shall have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition).
- The directors shall annually sign all required NETAR disclosures.
- In carrying out the duties of a Director, the person holding that office will necessarily receive, review, and possess sensitive and confidential information regarding various financial, legal and other aspects of the Association and its affiliated entities. The Director shall have a duty not to disclose confidential information and shall memorialize these confidentiality obligations by executing a confidentiality agreement before commencing service as the Association's Director.
Description and Responsibilities: The Directors shall represent the interests of NETAR’s members to the Board of Directors and vice-versa, and shall have the duty to:
- Be the governing body of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS and implement and approve any policies of the Association.
- Be familiar with the Bylaws, Policy Manual and Strategic Plan of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS.
- Prepare, attend, and actively participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Attend all General Membership Meetings and support all other Association functions.
- Approve the appointment of Standing Committees, Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs, as submitted by the incoming President and President-elect at the November meeting.
- Approve the appointment of all Standing Committee members, as submitted by the Standing Committee Chairs at the January meeting.
- Act upon all committee and task force requests.
- Approve the annual budget no later than the September meeting.
- Review and file for annual audit the monthly financial statements of the Association.
- Recommend changes to the Bylaws to the membership for approval as provided in the Bylaws of the Association.
- Prior to voting to amend any policy pertaining to the Association’s corporate structure and/or federal tax-exempt status, ascertain that the Association’s legal counsel and/or Association accountant, and have reviewed and/or approved such amendment.
- Serve on committees or act as liaison to committees if asked to do so by the President.
- Approve financial institutions for deposits of Association funds.
- Represent the Association at various Association and industry events.
- Be familiar with, endorse, and be a positive representative for the Association's programs, products, and services
- Act as a liaison to both the NETAR membership and the greater community.
- Assess own performance as a Board member regularly.
- Review all communications received from NETAR pertaining to the Association.
- Assist in RPAC fundraising efforts.
- Assist in the identification of new volunteers.
- Approve employment or termination of the Chief Executive Officer and comply with the Employee Handbook as approved by the Board of Directors.
- Perform all other duties prescribed by the Bylaws, applicable law, or the Board of Directors
- One Director will be selected by the President to serve on the Executive Committee, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors.
- Highly encouraged to serve on at least one committee or task force.
Description and Responsibilities: The President shall be the Chief Elected Officer and shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The President shall have the duty to:
- Be familiar with the Bylaws, Policy Manual and Strategic Plan of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS.
- With the approval of the Board of Directors, establish short-term organizational goals (and as outlined within the long-term Strategic Plan) and work towards achieving approved goals and objectives for his/her year in office. The President shall be responsible for informing membership of such goals and objectives.
- Recommend to the Board of Directors policies that may be beneficial to the Association. The President shall carry out instruction of the Board of Directors, enforce the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Code of Ethics, Policies & Procedures and Rules and Regulations.
- Prepare, attend, and actively participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Preside at all general meetings of the Membership and at all Board of Directors Meetings.
- Be in regular consultation with the Chief Executive Officer on the business and affairs of the Association.
- Be the official spokesperson for the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTOR®. At no time shall the President represent himself/herself as other than the President of the Association when appearing as its representative.
- Appoint all Standing Committee Chairs, with the advice and counsel of the Chief Executive Officer, and subject to the approval of the Directors at the November Board of Directors meeting.
- Appoint special committees as needed, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors.
- Be an authorized signatory for the Association financial accounts.
- Attend all national, state and regional meetings, and any other meetings which might occur during the year at the association's expense.
- Adhere to the Travel Policies adopted by the Association.
- Oversee the annual performance evaluation of CEO, as conducted by the Executive Committee.
- Perform all other duties prescribed by the Bylaws, applicable law, or the Board of Directors.
- Adhere to all general duties as outlined in the Director description.
- Appoints the Nominating Task Force per the Bylaws.
- Appoints the C/I MLS Committee per the Bylaw.
- Ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees, except for Grievance and Professional Standards. May not serve on these committees during his/her term of office.
- Immediate Past President Director upon completion of President’s term.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee REALTORS® (TR) representing the Association as a voting delegate. Attend all TR meetings at the Association’s expense.
Ascend to the Presidency of the Association the following year.
Description and Responsibilities: The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence or refusal to serve or disability and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the President and/or Board of Directors. In the absence of unforeseen events, he/she shall succeed to the Presidency.
The President-elect of the Board of Directors shall have the duty to:
- Be familiar with the Bylaws, Policy Manual and Strategic Plan of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS®.
- Assist the President at all times.
- Prepare for, attend and actively participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
- Attend all General Membership Meetings. Preside at these meetings in President’s absence.
- Appoint all Standing Committee Vice Chairs, with advice and counsel of the Chief Executive Officer, and subject to the approval of the Directors at the November Board of Directors meeting.
- Act as a liaison with Committees, as assigned by the President.
- Represent the Association as spokesperson when asked to do so by the President. At no time shall the President-elect represent himself/herself as other than the representative of the Association when appearing in that capacity.
- Be an authorized signatory for the Association financial accounts.
- Adhere to the Travel Policies adopted by the Association.
- Assist the Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and Budget & Finance Committee in preparing the Budget for the up-coming year.
- Participate in the performance evaluation of CEO, as conducted by the Executive Committee.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS and in the absence, or inability to act, of the Association President, act as the presiding officer at any meetings and perform such other duties of the President as may be required or directed by the President or the Board of Directors.
- In the event of death, disability, resignation, or removal from office of the President, fill the unexpired term of the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. In this event, he/she shall not be prohibited from being elected to an otherwise normal term as President.
- President-elect shall attend all state and regional meetings, and any other meetings which might occur during the year, and national conventions, at the Association's expense.
- Attend the National Association of REALTORS® Annual Convention and represent the Tennessee REALTORS® as a Director.
- Be a voting delegate at the NAR Delegate Body Meeting in November
- Perform all other duties prescribed by the Bylaws, applicable law, or the Board of Directors.
- Adhere to all general duties as outlined in the Director description.
- Member, Executive Committee & Budget & Finance Committee
- Chair- Bylaws Task Force
- Chair - Strategic Planning Task Force
- Select person(s) to lead prayer/devotion and pledge for Director’s Meeting and Membership Meeting.
- Ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee REALTORS® representing the
Association as a voting delegate. Attend all TR meetings at the Association’s expense.
The Treasurer is elected by the Membership to serve for a 1-year term (or until a respective successor is duly elected and qualified).
The Treasurer of the Board of Directors shall have the duty to:
- Be familiar with the Bylaws, Policy Manual and Strategic Plan of the Northeast Tennessee Association of REALTORS.
- Financial Policies of this Policy Manual and adhere to any Treasurer duties outlined within those policies.
- Serve as member of the Board of Directors of the Association.
- Prepare, attend, and actively participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
- In conjunction with the and the Chief Executive Officer, review on a timely basis the Association’s expenditures and finances to ensure overall fiscal integrity.
- Review regular monthly financial reports for presentation to the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for the preparation of these reports.
- With the Budget & Finance Committee, assist the Chief Executive Officer in investing funds in approved financial institutions.
- Be an authorized signatory for the Association’s financial accounts.
- As the Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee, and with the Chief Executive Officer and President-elect, prepare a budget for the upcoming year.
- In conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer, serve as a liaison with any accounting firm to audit the association’s financial records.
- Perform all other duties prescribed by the Bylaws, applicable law, or the Board of Directors.
- Adhere to all general duties as outlined in the Director description.
- Chair, Budget & Finance Committee
- Member, Executive Committee Qualifications
- Strongly recommended to serve on the Budget & Finance Committee at least one year prior to becoming the Treasurer.
Nine (9) At-Large Directors are elected by the membership for staggered three-year terms upon recommendation by the Nominating Task Force.
NOTE: MLS Directors shall not serve on NETAR Board.
OFFICERS OF THE SERVICE The Officers of the Service, who shall also be Directors, shall be a President, Vice-President, and a Treasurer, and shall have such duties as described in this Article.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS There shall be a total of twelve (12) elected Directors, including the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Directors shall be Participants of the Service or REALTORS® affiliated with Participants as independent contractors.
Each Shareholder shall elect one (1) Director for each share of stock it holds.
- Nominating Committee. The MLS President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the Nominating Committee from the MLS Board of Directors, in July of each year. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President of the Service and one (1) representative from each of the four (4) geographic areas represented by the four (4) original Associations which formed the Service: Bristol Tennessee-Virginia Association of REALTORS®, Greeneville Association of REALTORS®, Johnson City Association of REALTORS®, and Greater Kingsport Association of REALTORS®, Inc. not to exceed more than one (1) per 4 geographic area. The Nominating Committee shall notify each Shareholder to submit to it, no less than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Shareholders Meeting, names of its nominees who shall fill any expiring Directors positions. The Nominating Committee shall submit its report in writing to the Shareholders no less than ten (10) days prior to the Annual Shareholders Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall select a slate of one or more candidates for the offices of President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer and submit its report in writing to the Board of Directors no less than ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. Candidates for these offices must be members of the Board of Directors for the year during which they are selected to serve.
- Election of Directors. Each Shareholder shall elect from its own membership, in any manner as it may choose, one (1) Director for each share of stock it owns in the Service and these individuals shall be elected as Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders. 3. Election of Officers. Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors from the slate of candidates submitted to the Board by the Nominating Committee and any nominations which may be accepted from the floor.
- Directors. Directors shall serve three-year staggered terms. The nominee selected by the Bristol Tennessee-Virginia Association of REALTOR®S shall be elected to replace the Bristol Tennessee-Virginia Association of REALTOR®S Director whose term is expiring, and three nominees selected by NETAR shall be elected to replace the three NETAR Directors whose terms are expiring. Directors shall be elected at the Annual Shareholders Meeting. Newly elected Directors shall take office the following January 1 and continue to serve until their successors are elected and installed. No Director shall be elected for more than two consecutive terms.
- Officers. Officers shall be elected to one-year terms which shall begin the following January I and shall continue until their successors are elected and installed. No officer shall be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
The duties of the Officers and Directors shall be as follows:
- President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Service and shall preside at its meetings and those of the Board of Directors and shall perform all the duties of President subject to declared policies and as required, subject to confirmation of the Board of Directors.
- Vice President. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all the duties of the President.
- Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Service and shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements. The Executive Officer or Admin Asst at the direction of the Executive Officer shall keep accurate records of the minutes of director meetings and committee meetings. The Treasurer shall provide to all members of the Board of Directors a statement of all accounts and financial affairs for the Service, no less than quarterly.
- The Board of Directors of the Service. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Service and shall have control of all the affairs of the Service and authorize all expenditures of funds. The Board of Directors, prior to the end of each fiscal year, shall prepare a budget reflecting projected costs and expenses of the Service for the next fiscal year, indicating projected income from all sources. The budget shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Service for review and approval at the September BOD meeting. The budget shall be submitted to the Shareholders for review on a date not less than ten (10) days prior to the Annual Shareholders Meeting
Please submit your application below. If you have any questions, please text us at 423.477.0040.
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